FILM Gigi (1958)
American musical film, based on the 1944 novel 'Gigi' by Collette, follows a young French girl in early-20th century Paris, who's groomed and trained to be a courtisane or mistress to a wealthy man. Scene: Gigi has etiquette lessons with her aunt, learning how to eat properly ortolans.
"Bad table manners, my dear Gigi, have broken up more households than infidelity"
"Bad table manners, my dear Gigi, have broken up more households than infidelity"
Ortolan (a songbird about the size of your thumb) considered by the French as the ultimate gastronomic experience, but illegal because the little bird is endangered. The Ortolan is cruel prepared by drowning it alive in Armagnac, cooked and then served whole, eaten bones and all.
This forbidden delicacy Ortolan was on the menu at late French President Francois Mitterrand’s 'legendary last supper' on New Year’s Eve, 1995. Mitterand’s last supper was recreated and consumed by American writer, Michael Paterniti and appears on the Independent History's Top 10 Grand Banquets list.
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Never heard of this delicacy but the French eat snails so there is that. Would be interesting to see a pot full of tiny birds in my cooker. Not really. But it does a good job of cooking real and substantial food. I can cook an entire Turkey in my Vitaclay cooker!
Hi thanks ffor sharing this
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