'Morning Routine'

An American television drama series that centers on Dexter Morgan, a forensic bloodstain pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department and a psychologically compulsive serial killer who cannot resist taking lives, but chooses to only kill guilty targets who deserve death.

Scene: Dexter's opening title sequence, his every single day morning routine!   
It is very important to this process, otherwise the rest of the day will not be perfect. Each step of his routine evokes Dexter's sinister nature around two themes: Ways of killing, and an obsession with blood

The website Blood-oranges.com is the ultimate source of information when it comes to the delicious blood orange.

RECIPES Dexter's Breakfast
Dexter's Breakfast step by step © squidoo.com
Dexter Blood Slide Suckers © instructables.com
Salad with Blood Orange Vinaigrette © 52kitchenadventures.com

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