"The Polar Express: Hot Chocolate"

The Polar Express is a motion capture computer-animated film based on the children's book of the same title by Chris Van Allsburg. It tells the story of a young hero boy on Christmas Eve who boards on a powerful magical train that's headed to the North Pole and Santa Claus's home. What unfolds is an adventure which follows a doubting boy, who takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole; during this ride, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery which shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.

The human characters in the film were animated using live action performance capture technique, with the exception of the waiters who dispense hot chocolate on the train, because their feats were impossible for live actors to achieve.

Hot chocolate in the form of drinking chocolate or cocoa is considered a comfort food and is widely consumed in many parts of the world. Comfort food is food consumed to improve emotional status, whether to relieve negative psychological affect or to increase positive feeling. Everyone's idea of comfort food is different, but it's mostly not very culinary, filled with calories and epitomizing home cooking. Involved in almost all the top 10 lists is  'Macaroni and Cheese'

RECIPE 'David Lebovitz's recipe for Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe'