A comedy sketch show and spiritual successor to The Two Ronnies, in celebration of Ronnie Corbett's 80th birthday. Ronnie Corbett and Harry Enfield star in this fruity sketch from The One Ronnie, written by Dawson Bros.
Why is Apple called Apple and BlackBerry called Blackberry?
Research In Motion (RIM), the company behind the BlackBerry product line, settled on the name "BlackBerry" only after weeks of work by Lexicon Branding Inc., the Sausalito, California-based firm that also named Apple’s PowerBook. One of the naming experts at Lexicon thought the miniature buttons on RIM’s product looked "like the tiny seeds in a strawberry," Lexicon founder David Placek says. "A linguist at the firm thought straw was too slow sounding". Someone else suggested blackberry. RIM went for it.
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